Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s Investigations Team
uses state and federal open records requests and other investigative techniques to promote government transparency, advance accountability, and educate the public on important policy issues.
Emergency Powers Reform Project
The Emergency Powers Reform Project is focused on ending rampant government abuse of “emergency powers” that too often provide a false justification for bypassing Congress to implement policies that would never otherwise pass into law.
Permission to Care
Permission to Care” is a first-of-its-kind series of analyses of publicly available CON application and litigation data in several states. Our investigations found states denied billions in proposed health care investment while delaying development of approved health care provisions for years or in some cases decades.
Biden Administration Censorship
AFP Foundation’s investigation of the Biden Administration’s censorship regime reveals that DHS believes it has overreaching authorities to regulate speech. AFP Foundation is continuing to push for answers on the source of these authorities.
Kevin Schmidt in the Washington Reporter: Three ways the Trump administration can clean up the Biden disinformation mess