Kansas Attorney General Rules Commerce Department Violated KORA in Response to 2021 Request from AFP Foundation
| January 17, 2025
Over three years ago, Americans for Prosperity Foundation-Kansas filed a Kansas Open Records Act request with the Department of Commerce seeking records about the Sales Tax and Revenue (“STAR”) Bonds financing program. After failing to receive all the requested documents, we filed a Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) complaint against the Department of Commerce in December 2022.
Last month, the Kansas Attorney General responded to our complaint and found that Commerce violated the Kansas Open Records Act.
In the process of responding to our inquiry, Mr. (Bob) North noted he discovered an additional group of documents should have been provided to you that were not provided in the department’s response to your request,” the AG’s office wrote. “We have confirmed these records have been mailed to you.
Because the department did not provide all records responsive to Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s November 10, 2021 request, the department violated the KORA.
The Sentinel: AG finds Kansas Department of Commerce violated KORA
The Americans for Prosperity Foundation-Kansas recently won a victory when Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach found that the Kansas Department of Commerce violated the Kansas Open Record Act (KORA) by failing to turn over documents responsive to requests under the act.
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